Using Pinterest to Engage Your Yoga Students

Pinterest can be a fun and effective way to engage your students, clients, and community. With 459 million monthly active users worldwide, Pinterest presents an excellent opportunity to widen your social networks and connect with your target audience no matter their location, truly spanning the world.

However, despite its potential benefits, numerous yoga businesses have yet to harness the power of this valuable tool.

In this post, we'll share some simple tips to help you establish a meaningful presence on Pinterest, one of today's popular social media platforms. By implementing these tips, you can tap into Pinterest's potential and create engaging content that resonates with your audience, making it a valuable addition to your yoga studio's marketing strategy.

Let's get started on this journey to make the most of Pinterest's opportunities and enhance your studio's online presence!

Creating a Pinterest Business Account

It takes only a few seconds to create a Pinterest account and you can seamlessly link this tool to your studio's Facebook and/or Twitter (aka X) accounts so that your pins are shared across your various platforms. (Here's a short tutorial on how to do that.) Just remember, if you run a business you will want to create a business account within Pinterest.

Once you’ve established your studio's business account, you'll first want to fill in your profile with a clear and concise description of your brand. This description should effectively communicate the essence of your studio's identity and offerings.

Following this, proceed to verify your studio's website to enhance your account's credibility and provide a reliable link for your potential clients and followers. This verification process ensures that your online presence is authentic and trustworthy.

Effective Pinning and Promotion

Once you've set up your account, start pinning! Many millions of people use Pinterest to shop. If you have a reasonably-sized boutique in your studio, and particularly if you've set up an e-commerce platform to sell your products online, this is a great way to promote products like mats and clothing—as well as your studio's overall brand. 

Pinterest users tend to have relatively high household incomes, so this can be a good fit for promoting some of your studio's higher end products (jewelry, Manduka mats, etc.)... Here's an interesting look at the demographic breakdown of Pinterest users. (source)

As you get started, keep these basic tips to keep in mind:

01 Diversify with Boards

Pinterest operates through a system of "boards" that cater to various categories, projects, people, and ideas. Create a range of boards within your account to effectively showcase your studio's products, people, and course offerings.

02 Sufficient Pins per Board

Ensure that each of your boards contains at least a handful of "pins". This approach guarantees that people who click on the board will find a substantial amount of content, making it compelling enough for them to consider "following" the board for ongoing updates.

03 Create Rich Pins

Rich Pins are a type of Pins that have the capability to automatically synchronize information from your website. These enhanced Pins are distinguishable by the additional details presented both above and below the image upon clicking on the Pin. Should any modifications occur on the original website, the rich Pin undergoes periodic updates to ensure that these changes are accurately reflected.

04 Concise Board Names

Opt for board names with under 20 characters so that they are simple to read and prevent truncation by Pinterest. By selecting succinct names, you make it effortless for users to quickly understand the board’s content at a glance.

05 Reflective Board Titles

Ensure your board names accurately reflect the types of pins that potential followers can anticipate to see once they delve into the board’s content. This clearly establishes expectations and enhances user engagement.

06 Cover Pin Alignment

Just like the title, ensure that the "cover pin" of each board reflects its content. This cover pin serves as a visual introduction inviting users to explore further.

07 Consistent Content Pinning

Keep your Pinterest profile dynamic by pinning new and fresh content most days of the week. This practice guarantees that your pins will stay at the top of the feeds of your followers, ensuring heightened visibility.

08 Feedback from Repins

As your following on Pinterest begins to grow, take note of the pins that are most often "re-pinned" by your followers. This will give you valuable feedback on what types of products and photos resonate most with your audience, guiding your focus moving forward.

By incorporating these fundamental principles, you're setting the stage for an engaging and meaningful presence on Pinterest. This platform's strength lies in its visual communication, helping you convey your studio's essence, products, and offerings in a way that resonates with the yoga community.

Once you've got a handle on the basics, it's worth noting that Pinterest provides a helpful resource center and a dedicated business blog. These blog posts are designed to assist business owners like you, offering practical insights, tips, and guidance to enhance your experience on the platform.


Q: What is Pinterest, and how can I use it to engage my yoga students?

Pinterest is a social media platform that allows users to discover and save visual content, such as images, videos, and articles, onto virtual pinboards. As a yoga instructor, you can use Pinterest for your yoga business by creating boards with yoga-related content, including instructional videos, pose guides, meditation techniques, and inspiring quotes. This helps engage not only your yoga students but also potential customers by providing them with valuable resources and enhancing their yoga practice.

Q: How can I optimize my Pinterest account for engaging yoga students?

To optimize your Pinterest account, ensure that your profile and boards reflect your yoga niche and expertise. Use relevant keywords in your profile bio and board descriptions to improve discoverability. Organize your boards with clear and descriptive titles, making it easy for users to find the content they're interested in. Regularly post fresh, visually appealing, and informative content to keep your audience engaged.

Q: Can I use Pinterest to promote my yoga events and workshops?

Yes, Pinterest is an excellent platform for promoting yoga events and workshops. Create dedicated boards for upcoming events, retreats, yoga teacher training programs, or workshops, and share detailed information, including dates, locations, and event highlights. Pin attractive visuals related to the event, such as pictures of the venue, testimonials from previous participants, and any special guest instructors. This can help generate interest and drive attendance.

Q: Is it necessary to create original content for Pinterest, or can I curate from other sources?

While creating original content is valuable, curating content from other reliable sources can also be beneficial. Share content from reputable yoga websites, blogs, or fellow instructors, making sure to credit the source. Curating high-quality content shows your students that you are committed to providing them with valuable resources, even if you didn't create the content yourself.

Q: How can Pinterest analytics help me understand my audience better?

Pinterest provides analytics tools that give insights into your content's performance and audience engagement. You can track metrics like the number of saves, clicks, and impressions for each pin and board. Understanding these analytics helps you identify which content resonates most with your audience, allowing you to tailor your future pins to better suit their preferences.

Q: Are there any best practices for pinning yoga-related content on Pinterest?

Yes, several best practices can enhance your Pinterest strategy. Use high-resolution and visually appealing images or videos to capture users' attention. Optimize your pins' descriptions with relevant keywords and hashtags to improve search visibility. Consistency is key, so aim to pin regularly to keep your profile active and engaging. Collaborate with other yoga influencers or brands by sharing their content and vice versa, helping you tap into their audience as well.


Pinterest presents an untapped opportunity for your yoga studio's online engagement strategy. Despite its potential, many studios have yet to explore this platform. By implementing the simple tips provided in this post, you can tap into Pinterest's visual appeal to better engage your yoga students, clients, and community.

These strategies encompass creating focused boards for various aspects of yoga practice, from poses to meditation techniques, and even promoting events and workshops. Optimizing your profile and maintaining a consistent pinning schedule are key factors for sustained engagement. Remember that both curating and creating content can contribute to your Pinterest presence.

Analyzing Pinterest analytics will provide insights into your audience's preferences, guiding you to tailor your content for maximum impact. Don't overlook collaboration opportunities, which can broaden your reach within the yoga community.

As you explore Pinterest's potential, you're embarking on a journey to elevate your yoga studio's online identity. By crafting an authentic presence, you'll foster a sense of community and connection that resonates with both existing and potential students. Embrace the visual narrative that Pinterest offers, and let it become a complementary extension of your yoga studio's ethos.

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