8 Limiting Beliefs That Prevent You From Teaching Online

Our minds can play tricky games. We dream and imagine what we want our lives to be like, the businesses we desire to build, or the reach we want our teachings to have, yet we often create a myriad of excuses that prevent us from taking action.

To live the life you’ve imagined, you’ll need to take consistent action toward actualizing your dreams.

Here are the top eight excuses we hear from new clients and how to kick them right to the curb so that you can start building the business you’ve been dreaming about TODAY:

01 I know I’ll hate my first video.

Sure, you might. Accept that fact and keep moving forward. Building an online teaching business is the goal so you need to look forward, not back.

Remember your first blog post? Instagram video? Facebook post?

They weren’t masterpieces, but hey, you’ve gotta start somewhere.

02 I need good equipment.

Undoubtedly, equipment can be a roadblock.

Which camera is best? Do I need a wireless microphone or not? Do I need a lighting kit? (No, you sure don’t.) 

If you compare different camera and mic models and stare at the same gear options on Amazon over and over for months and obsess over making the wrong decision, you’ve lost some valuable time. Do you know what else you will have lost? Revenue. 

We’ve heard from several Marvelous teachers that they initially invested in a lot of expensive equipment, only to end up going back to using their iPhones or tablets. Our advice: start with what you have and stop using lack of equipment as an excuse.

03 It’s not a priority.

You can’t say you want to build a business and then take no action. If you truly desire an online business, you gotta make it a priority.

Jot down your sales goals, craft your first online course, and. schedule content creation into your calendar. Allocate time. If you don’t make it a priority, you’ll never achieve your goals.

04 I have no accountability.

If you are finding yourself dreaming of an online business, but continue to wallow in excuses and procrastination, share your plans with your target customers. Publicly announcing your goals adds a layer of social accountability—a powerful motivator. Watch how telling people about your plans can kickstart problem-solving and action-taking.

04 I don’t know how to be on camera.

Are you overthinking how you want to appear in your videos? The solution is to simply be yourself.

Your students adore you for exactly who you are so be your unique self. No need for a new persona; let the camera capture the real you. Nothing should change just because the record button has been pressed.

05 I don’t have enough money.

Let’s be realistic. When you create a new business, revenue that will cover your expenses just doesn’t magically appear. We all wish it worked that way but it doesn’t.

Few businesses don’t require a small outlay of cash to get started. Historically, a teacher with some entrepreneurial spirit would need to start a brick-and-mortar studio and that, as we know, requires some serious cash (and a massive line of credit from the local bank). But today, as an independent teacher or studio, getting your teaching online and creating a new income stream is incredibly inexpensive and simple.

You will need equipment (don’t get stuck here, go back to #2), video content ideas, time and space to film, and of course a digital platform to hold and sell the products like Hey Marvelous. That’s it. In the grand scheme of things, this business model requires little investment compared to traditional brick-and-mortar setups.

And don’t lose sight of the big picture. If you can start with that small investment and then grow your business, within a short time, you’ll begin to see a return. But the only way to get there is to take the leap. For more on this mindset, check out this blog post.

07 I don’t know how to edit videos.

Are you imagining that the finished video is going to be perfect? No “ums”, stumbles, or falling out of poses? No background noises or cats walking across your mat? 

Perfection (or close to it) is possible with a couple of retakes and some post-production editing. But perfect videos aren’t necessary. Consider embracing the unedited video! 

Are your live classes perfect? Probably not. So why do your video classes have to be? 

There is something endearing about a teacher who is comfortable with mistakes and embracing real life. Students will love your authenticity and you will be able to make peace with that perfectionist mindset, once and for all.

08 I’m afraid of failing.

We hate to break it to you, but you will fail. And when you do, it could be a blessing! We believe each failure is an opportunity for learning and growth.

Seeing failure as positive is probably the hardest lesson to learn. But failure, on some level (negative comment about a video, no comments on a blog post, no one signing up for your series, etc.), is inevitable, and learning to embrace it instead of becoming frustrated (and quitting), is an important mindset to adopt. Be grateful for the misses, because they are what will make you into a stronger and more successful entrepreneur.

Addressing Limiting Beliefs with Hey Marvelous:

Building an online teaching business can indeed be a transformative journey, and Marvelous is here to support you every step of the way. Let's explore how Marvelous can specifically address each of the limiting beliefs mentioned:

"I know I’ll hate my first video."

Marvelous Approach: Starting can feel nerve-wracking, right? Marvelous is all about making it easy. You can easily create and upload your first videos in a user-friendly environment where imperfections are totally cool. It's like a community of cheerleaders, rooting for your growth. Get ready to feel the confidence to spice up your teaching style!

"I need good equipment."

Marvelous Approach: Don't let the equipment hurdle hold you back. Marvelous is all about keeping things simple and practical. Whether you're rocking the latest camera or just your trusty smartphone, the platform ensures your content is delivered effectively. Start with what you have, and as your business flourishes, you can make the decision to switch to any upgraded equipment you fancy.

"It is not a priority."

Marvelous Approach: Marvelous is like your business wingman, helping you manage and prioritize. From setting sales goals to crafting courses, the platform’s got intuitive tools that fit right into your daily schedule. With built-in features like AI sales page creation, email management, and event scheduling, Marvelous encourages you to take consistent action towards your business goals.

"I have no accountability."

Marvelous Approach: Marvelous has your back here too. Share your plans, milestones, and little victories right within the platform. The community-building feature is like a virtual cheering squad, turning your goals into shared successes. Shout out your plans on Marvelous, and let social accountability work its magic.

"I don’t know how to be on camera."

Marvelous Approach: Marvelous values authenticity. The platform encourages you to be yourself, and let your unique teaching style shine through. With its user-friendly live streaming options and cozy community features, connecting authentically with your audience becomes second nature. Marvelous celebrates the real you, unedited and unfiltered.

"I don’t have enough money."

Marvelous Approach: Say goodbye to financial barriers with Marvelous' fair, transparent pricing and 0% revenue fees. The platform offers essential tools without breaking the bank. From hosting unlimited products to accessing built-in email marketing, Marvelous is all about starting your online teaching gig with a smart investment. 

"I don’t know how to edit videos."

Marvelous Approach: Marvelous is all about simplicity. Forget the need for intricate video editing. The platform loves authenticity, encouraging unedited content that resonates with your target audience. By focusing on delivering genuine, valuable information, you can let go of the perfectionist mindset and connect with your students in a more meaningful way.

"I’m afraid of failing."

Marvelous Approach: Marvelous believes in turning setbacks into setups for success. It's like having a supportive buddy that provides tools to track your progress. Use the insightful reporting features to learn, improve, and keep growing. Failure isn't a roadblock; it's a sign you're on the path to something great.

Final Thoughts

So… the moral of the story?

Stop obsessing over the perfect scenario, equipment, or script. 

Just start!

Head out to your backyard with your phone and a few books to prop that sucker up and just film something.

Come on, we dare you.

Marvelous empowers you to overcome limiting beliefs and build something amazing. Instead of being bogged down by excuses, the platform invites you to unleash your potential, connect with your audience, and create a thriving online teaching business. 

No more excuses. Let’s build something amazing together.

Peek inside of Marvelous with a demo!

Teaching online just got gorgeous.

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