How to Use Social Media to Promote Your Online Classes

We ventured into the world of online teaching because we passionately believe in the transformative power of knowledge and learning. We teach because we want to share that vision with our students.

Nowhere in there did most of us consider that we’d have to master marketing, social media, likes, or shares.

However, when you have knowledge that can help people live their best lives, it's natural to want to reach as many eager learners as possible. This is where the potency of social media steps in.

If social media feels inauthentic or uncomfortable, it can help to simply view it as a platform for sharing your story, your ideas, and your expertise. Rather than thinking of it as marketing, think of it as a virtual coffee chat with a friend, where you share your vacation photos or your latest insights over a matcha latte.

Really, social media isn’t that different!

Let’s explore how to utilize social media to promote your online classes, memberships, and coaching programs—without feeling sales-y or scammy:


Instagram offers an engaging visual platform and is one of the most thriving social media networks. As of January 2023, Statista reports that the platform has over 2 billion active users around the world.

While IG enjoys a diverse user base, Instagram is surprisingly used slightly more by men than women (although it’s the opposite in the U.S.), and 60% of its users fall between the ages of 18-34.

Do you follow us on Instagram yet?

Instagram strategies for creators, coaches, and online teachers:

  • Strategic Link Sharing: Since Instagram historically allowed only one link in your bio, it was crucial to make a thoughtful choice about the link you share. You can now add up to 5 links, but be sure to make them count! Consider directing your audience to your course schedule, ‘work with me’ page or even your testimonials.

    Alternatively, elevate your link game with—the free link-in-bio alternative that places your unique voice at the forefront. allows you to forge authentic, beautifully branded connections with your audience by consolidating all your essential links into one, well, marvelous URL.

  • Showcase Your Expertise: Share captivating ideas and topics related to your field.

  • Storytelling Through Captions: Craft compelling and relatable captions to accompany your posts. Share stories, insights, or lessons that resonate with your followers and provide value.

  • Video Insights: Share videos that showcase impressive course excerpts or snippets of your coaching sessions. The video duration allowed on Instagram varies depending on the type of post.

    Instagram Feed Video: 60 minutes

    Instagram Story Video: up to 1 minute

    Instagram Reel: 15 - 90 seconds

    Instagram Live Video: up to 4 hours

  • Instagram Stories: Make use of Stories for real-time updates, announcements, and engaging content like polls, quizzes, and countdowns.

  • IGTV and Reels: Experiment with longer-form content on IGTV and short, entertaining videos on Reels to diversify your content and engage different audiences.

  • Inspire with Quotes: Feature inspirational quotes that resonate with your niche audience.

  • Live Sessions: Host live Q&A sessions, webinars, or workshops to directly engage with your audience in real time and address their questions or concerns.

  • Location Stories: Post photos of you engaging in your craft in unique and particularly noteworthy places. Are you coaching from a mountaintop? Practicing from a temple in Thailand? Capture these moments and let your audience experience them with you.

  • Student Stories: With their permission, share your students’ success stories and progress. Has your work helped someone achieve their goals or overcome obstacles? Sharing these images and stories can inspire and empower your Instagram followers.

  • Calls to Action (CTAs): Include clear CTAs in your posts, Stories, and captions. Encourage your audience to take specific actions, such as signing up for your courses or coaching sessions.


As of Q2 2023, Facebook boasts a staggering 3 billion monthly active users globally, solidifying its status as the world's foremost online social network.

Notably, the most prevalent age group among Facebook's user base falls within the 25-34 age bracket.

Facebook tips for creators, coaches, and online teachers:

  • Business Facebook Presence: Create a dedicated business Facebook page or group. Facebook groups, in particular, offer unique features and possibilities for engagement that personal profiles don't provide. 

  • Personalize Your Link: Make sure to claim your ‘vanity’ Facebook URL. This means that the URL for your Facebook page looks like “” rather than one with a random string of numbers and letters. 

  • Cross-Promote Social Profiles: Connect your other social media profiles to Facebook. Adding tabs for other social media platforms; can increase your following across various networks and make it easier to connect with people.

  • Newsletter Integration: Enhance your Facebook page by including a ‘sign up’ widget that allows your followers to join your newsletter right from your Facebook page.

  • Content Sharing: Share a variety of content—images, videos, blog posts, checklists, to engage your audience and provide value

  • Share Others' Valuable Content: Spread the love by sharing other people’s valuable content, particularly things that your followers will find helpful and useful. If you want to be really strategic, @-mention the website or person who created what you’re sharing. When you do this, you’re not just sharing content; you’re showing support, camaraderie, and building meaningful connections!

  • Engage Your Audience: Encourage interaction by asking questions or soliciting advice from your followers. For instance, you can pose questions like, “I’m feeling less motivated this morning, but I just poured myself a big mug of black tea and I’m journaling in the direction of a better attitude. How do you get motivated?”

  • Optimize Profile and Header Imagery: Choose a visually engaging profile and cover photos. At least one of these images should represent your brand or practice effectively. While scenic landscapes and headshots are appealing, they may not convey the essence of your work

  • Informative 'About' Section: Provide valuable information in the “About” section that caters to prospective clients or students. Include details such as your coaching style, years of experience, and information about your services.

  • Facebook Groups: Join relevant Facebook groups related to your niche and actively participate in discussions. Share your expertise without overtly promoting your classes. When appropriate, mention your classes as a solution to specific problems or inquiries.

  • Live Sessions: Host live Q&A sessions, workshops, or mini-classes directly on your Facebook page. This not only showcases your teaching style but also allows for real-time interaction with potential students.

  • Testimonials and Reviews: Encourage satisfied students to leave reviews and testimonials on your Facebook page. Positive feedback can significantly influence others considering your classes.

  • Facebook Ads: Consider running targeted Facebook ads (Meta ads) to reach a broader audience. You can create custom audiences based on interests, demographics, and behaviors to connect with potential students.

  • Strategic Posting Times: Time your Facebook posts for maximum impact. Traditionally, the busiest times on Facebook are 9 a.m., 1 p.m., and 3 p.m. on weekdays.


Pinterest, a dynamic platform for visual content-sharing, boasts an impressive 450 million+ active users, with 76% of of them being female.

Pinterest techniques for creators, coaches, and online teachers:

  • Profile Optimization: Ensure your profile includes a profile photo, your website URL, a Pinterest-tailored description, and your location.

  • Business Account Benefits: Consider using a, rather than a personal one. This grants you access to valuable analytics, allowing you to assess what strategies are effective and what needs adjustments.

  • Board Clarity: Keep your boards easily discoverable by giving them straightforward names, such as “Productivity Tips”, “Healthy Recipes”,  “yoga Poses for Insomnia,” etc.

  • Eye-Catching Cover: Give each of your boards a ‘cover image,’ so it matches the fonts and colors of your website. If you’re feeling ambitious, change out your board covers to keep things looking fresh.

  • Top Row Strategy: Be strategic with the boards you put in the top row. These should be your most ‘brand-specific’ boards (things that directly relate to you and your work). It’s also a good idea to have a beginner board, catering to those seeking basic guidance on your niche.

  • Rich Pins: Take advantage of Pinterest's rich pins, which provide additional information right on the pin itself. Depending on your niche, you can use articles, products, recipes, or other rich pin types to provide more context and value to your audience.

  • Website Linking: Whenever possible, link your pins back to your website or landing pages, where users can find more information about your classes, services, or products. Ensure that these links are accurate and lead to the intended destination.

  • Consistent Branding: Maintain a consistent brand image across your Pinterest boards and pins. Use your brand colors, logo, and fonts to create a cohesive visual identity.

  • Pinterest Ads: Consider using Pinterest advertising to reach a wider and more targeted audience. Promoted Pins can be a valuable tool to boost the visibility of your content

  • Tutorials and How-Tos: Pinterest is a popular platform for DIY and instructional content. Consider creating step-by-step tutorials or how-to guides related to your expertise. These can attract a dedicated following.

  • Regular Pinning: Stay active by pinning regularly. Seek out pins that are tall, long, and vibrant. Pins with warmer color palettes and without prominent faces tend to be more popular.

  • Pinning from External Sources: While it's essential to pin your content, also curate and share valuable content from external sources that your audience may find beneficial. This positions you as a source of valuable information.

  • Consistent Pinning Routine: Dedicate 15-25 minutes each day to pinning content relevant to your niche. This consistent effort can help maintain your Pinterest presence.


TikTok is a bustling video-sharing platform with over 1 billion active users worldwide, offering an excellent space to share your expertise and engage with your audience.

TikTok Tips for Creators, Coaches, and Online Teachers:

  • Authentic Content: Showcase your personality and expertise through short, authentic videos. Share quick tips, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and motivational messages.

  • Engaging with Trends: Keep an eye on trending challenges and sounds within your niche. Participate in these trends creatively to reach a wider audience.

  • Consistency is Key: Establish a consistent posting schedule to keep your audience engaged. Frequent, engaging content can help you gain followers more quickly.

  • Strategic Hashtags: Include relevant hashtags in your video descriptions to increase discoverability. Research popular hashtags in your niche and use them appropriately.

  • Music and Sound: TikTok is known for its music and sound trends. Incorporate trending songs or sounds into your videos to increase discoverability and participation in trending challenges.

  • Duets and Stitches: Participate in duets and stitches with other TikTok users, especially those in your niche. This collaborative approach can introduce your content to new audiences.

  • Knowledge-sharing: Share valuable knowledge and skills related to your field. Offer bite-sized lessons or how-to videos to demonstrate your expertise.

  • Educational Series: Create a series of educational videos, breaking down complex topics into bite-sized segments. Encourage viewers to follow along for continuous learning.

  • Audience Interaction: Respond to comments and engage with your followers. Building a sense of community can foster trust and loyalty.


YouTube is a significant video-sharing platform, boasting a community of more than 2.5 billion monthly active users, offering abundant opportunities for creators, coaches, and solopreneurs to showcase their expertise, connect with their audience, and flourish in their respective fields.

YouTube-specific hints for Creators, Coaches, and Solopreneurs:

  • Channel Branding: Customize your YouTube channel with a professional profile picture, cover image, and channel description that clearly conveys your brand identity.

  • Quality Content: Create high-quality, informative videos that cater to your target audience's interests and needs. Consistency in content quality is key.

  • Captivating Thumbnails: Design eye-catching video thumbnails that accurately represent your content. A compelling thumbnail can entice viewers to click and watch your videos.

  • Optimized Video Titles and Descriptions: Craft attention-grabbing video titles and comprehensive descriptions that include relevant keywords. This improves search visibility.

  • Playlists: Organize your videos into playlists based on themes or topics. Playlists make it easier for viewers to navigate your content and discover related videos.

  • End Screens and Cards: Utilize YouTube's end screens and cards to promote other relevant videos, your website, or calls to action at the end of your videos.

  • Engaging with Comments: Actively respond to comments on your videos. Encourage discussions and connect with your viewers.

  • Monetization Opportunities: Explore YouTube's monetization options, such as the YouTube Partner Program and merchandise shelf, to generate income from your channel as it grows.

  • Collaborations and Guest Appearances: Collaborate with other content creators in your niche or invite guest experts for interviews on your channel. This can expand your reach.

  • Cross-Platform Promotion: Share your YouTube videos on your other social media platforms to increase visibility and attract your existing followers.

  • Analytics Monitoring: Utilize YouTube's analytics to track video performance. Understand what resonates with your audience and adjust your content strategy accordingly.


LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network, is where over 930 million individuals converge to cultivate their personal brand and connect with peers in their respective fields.

Have you checked our LinkedIn account yet?

LinkedIn pointers for creators, coaches, and online teachers:

  • Polished Profile: Elevate your LinkedIn profile by infusing it with vitality. Make a striking first impression with a captivating profile photo, an attention-grabbing headline, and a compelling summary that illuminates your professional prowess.

  • Personalized URL: Craft a unique LinkedIn profile URL, such as "," for easier sharing and a touch of personalization.

  • Showcased Achievements: Use the "Experience" section to showcase your relevant work history and accomplishments. Include details about your role, responsibilities, and achievements.

  • Network with Purpose: Forge meaningful connections with fellow professionals, colleagues, and potential clients. Craft personalized connection requests to lay the foundation for lasting relationships.

  • Recommendations and Endorsements: Request endorsements from colleagues or clients who can vouch for your expertise, and reciprocate with endorsements for others in your network.

  • Content Sharing: Command attention with insightful articles, industry updates, and your own creations. Consistent posting establishes you as a thought leader in your network.

  • Group Dynamic: Dive into LinkedIn groups tailored to your industry or interests. Engage in thought-provoking discussions, share your wisdom, and expand your circle.

  • Spotlighting Your Work: Illuminate your accomplishments by featuring your work or projects in the "Featured" section of your profile. Let your achievements shine.

  • Impactful Conversations: Leave a lasting impression with thoughtful comments on posts from your network, industry luminaries, and potential collaborators. Meaningful interactions are the catalyst for valuable connections.

  • Personal Branding: Cultivate your personal brand on LinkedIn by consistently sharing content and insights that reflect your expertise and professional aspirations.

  • Analytics Empowerment: Unlock the power of LinkedIn analytics to measure your posts' performance and profile views. This data fuels your content strategy and deepens your understanding of your audience.

For in-depth insights into effective LinkedIn strategies, don't miss our comprehensive guide: The Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn for Creators: Strategies & Tips.


Q: Why should I use social media to promote my online classes?

Promoting your online classes through social media allows you to reach a broader audience and connect with potential students who may be interested in your expertise. It provides a platform to share your passion, knowledge, and insights with the world.

Q: How can I make my social media posts feel more authentic and less sales-oriented?

Instead of viewing social media as marketing, think of it as a way to share your story, ideas, and expertise. Approach it like a friendly conversation with your audience, where you share valuable insights and connect on a personal level.

Q: What social media platforms are the most effective for promoting online classes and coaching programs?

Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, TikTok, YouTube, and Linkedin are popular platforms for promoting online classes. Each platform offers unique features and caters to different audiences, so it's essential to choose the ones that align with your target demographic.

Q: How can I optimize my social media profiles and content for maximum engagement?

To optimize your profiles, use professional photos, complete your bios with relevant information, and ensure consistency in branding. For content, share valuable insights, use captivating captions, include strategic hashtags, and interact with your audience genuinely.


Leveraging social media to promote your online classes, coaching programs, or expertise is not just a marketing strategy; it's a means to share your passion and knowledge with the world.

By being authentic and using platform-specific strategies, you are not just posting content - you are connecting with a broader audience, building meaningful relationships, and inspiring transformations in the lives of your students and followers.

Whether you choose Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, TikTok, YouTube, or LinkedIn, each platform offers a unique opportunity to shine a light on your work and make a difference in the lives of those you reach.

So let’s embrace the power of social media as a tool for sharing knowledge, spreading positivity, promoting wellness, and nurturing personal growth.

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