Why Your Money Mindset Matters in Online Business

Frequently, we encounter potential clients expressing concerns like, “I’m not sure how I can afford the price of Marvelous just yet. I’ve got to save up.”

If you’re considering starting your own online business, we cannot stress enough that your mindset around money will be crucial to your success as an entrepreneur.

Instead of dwelling on the price tags, let's dive into the heart of the matter—how you can create recurring revenue by teaching online and what strategies will enable you to not only cover the cost of Marvelous but also to bring in MUCH more income.

After many hundreds of hours of conversations with creators, coaches, and online teachers who dream of starting and growing an online business, we’ve identified a trait that separates successful business owners from the rest of the pack. Our most successful clients have a growth mindset and see abundance rather than scarcity, seeing opportunities where others see obstacles. 

Trust us, flipping this switch can set your life on a new, exhilarating course. 

The abundant teacher doesn’t focus on the costs but instead, she concentrates on the opportunities to generate the income she desires each month. She listens to her students' desires for online classes or coaching sessions (these will become her first customers) and she notes what, exactly, those students are asking for (this is what she will teach). When some local students move away, as they inevitably will, they're not lost; they're additions to her thriving online community.

Our most successful teachers are excited about the prospect of teaching a larger, more global audience and creating an offering that truly has no income ceiling.

They see potential, not roadblocks.

Of course, starting a business (including the digital kind) comes with a cost. Traditional brick-and-mortar businesses demand rent, payroll, insurance, and many other expenses. In the online world, you're not completely cost-free either, but here's the kicker: your 'rent' for your spot on the internet is a tiny fraction of what it would be offline. With lower overhead, you’re automatically more profitable.

Transforming Your Financial Mindset: Moving from Scarcity to Abundance:

  1. Identify Scarcity Thoughts: Recognize when you're thinking in terms of scarcity within your online business. This might manifest as concerns about competition, a fear of not attracting enough students, or worries about not earning sufficient income.

  2. Practice Gratitude: Express gratitude for the clients or students you already have. Appreciate their trust in your expertise and the opportunities they provide.

  3. Positive Affirmations: Develop affirmations tailored to your online business. For example, say, "My online business attracts a steady stream of clients/students" or "There is an abundance of opportunities in my niche."

  4. Surround Yourself with Positivity: Connect with fellow online entrepreneurs, creators, or educators who exude an abundance mindset. Their optimism and strategies can influence your own outlook.

  5. Set Realistic Goals: When setting business goals, ensure they are realistic and aligned with your niche. Avoid setting overly ambitious or scarcity-driven goals that may lead to frustration.

  6. Continuous Learning: Embrace a growth mindset in your field. See every challenge as an opportunity to enhance your skills and serve your audience better.

  7. Visualize Success: Visualize your online business thriving, with a loyal customer or student base. This visualization can motivate and align your actions with abundance.

  8. Generosity: Be generous with your knowledge and resources in your content or coaching sessions. Offering value without always expecting an immediate return can attract trust and abundance.

  9. Avoid Comparisons: In the online space, it's easy to compare your progress to others. Instead, focus on your unique journey and how you can continue to improve and provide value to your audience.

  10. Seek Guidance: Consider working with a business coach or mentor who specializes in mindset shifts for online entrepreneurs. They can provide personalized guidance tailored to your niche.


Once you’ve cultivated an abundance mindset, the next crucial step is to TAKE ACTION.

You’ll want to figure out:

  • Your Target Audience: identify who you are going to sell your products and services to

  • Your Offerings: decide what you will sell, whether it's online courses, coaching sessions, digital products, or memberships

  • Pricing and Marketing Strategy: Set your prices strategically and outline a marketing plan to reach your audience effectively

Now, go out in the online world and introduce your offerings. If you’ve created the classes your students have been asking for, you’ll likely have your first wave of customers within days.

Leveraging Marvelous to Earn Income as an Online Creator

Marvelous offers an extensive suite of features to help you along the way, from seamless event management to AI-driven sales page creation, unlimited email marketing, mobile accessibility, and much more. It's not just a platform; it's a partner in your success.

So, instead of worrying about the initial cost, focus on the incredible potential Marvelous unlocks for your online teaching journey. Craft your online presence with ease, expand your reach, and monetize your expertise effortlessly. With Marvelous, your online business can thrive and flourish, all in one place.


Q: Why is having the right money mindset essential for success in an online business?

Your money mindset influences your approach to finances and investments. In the context of an online business, a positive money mindset can help you focus on opportunities for growth and income generation, rather than fixating on costs.

Q:  Why is understanding my target audience crucial for online business success?

Identifying your target audience helps you tailor your products and services to meet their specific needs and preferences. This customer-centric approach increases the likelihood of attracting and retaining loyal customers.

Q: What advantages does Marvelous offer for online teachers and entrepreneurs?

Marvelous provides a comprehensive suite of tools and features for online teaching, event management, sales page creation, email marketing, community-building, and more. It simplifies the process of launching and growing an online business, allowing you to focus on what you do best—teaching and engaging with your audience.

Final Thoughts

Your money mindset can be a powerful determinant of your success in the world of online business (and everything else in your life).

Instead of dwelling on initial costs or setbacks, an abundance mindset encourages you to see opportunities and seize them, transforming your online teaching goals into actual accomplishments.

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