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Should Your Yoga Membership Always Be Open?

Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos

Why You Should Use Social Media to Promote Your Online Classes

Unlock the potential of your online classes with the influence of social media. Discover why utilizing these platforms is essential for your coaching or teaching business. Embrace the speed, authenticity, and vast reach that social media offers over traditional marketing. Elevate your online teaching business by leveraging the power of social media, making it a dynamic ally in sharing your expertise with the world.

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Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos

9 Reasons to Create a Facebook Group for Your Business

Discover the transformative power of creating a Facebook Group for your business. Dive into nine compelling reasons, from fostering genuine engagement to building your email list and announcing with impact. Elevate your online business strategy with a vibrant and dedicated community. Explore why a Facebook Group can be the game-changer your business needs.

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Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos

8 Limiting Beliefs That Prevent You From Teaching Online

Our minds can be tricky things. We dream and imagine what we want our lives to be like, the businesses we desire to build, or the reach we want our teachings to have, yet we often create a myriad of excuses that prevent us from taking action. In order to live out the life you’ve imagined, you’ll need to take consistent action towards actualizing your dreams.

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Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos

How to Use Social Media to Promote Your Online Classes

We ventured into the world of online teaching because we passionately believe in the transformative power of knowledge and learning. We teach because we want to share that vision with our students.

Nowhere in there did most of us consider that we’d have to master marketing, social media, likes, or shares.

However, when you have knowledge that can help people live their best lives, it's natural to want to reach as many eager learners as possible. This is where the potency of social media steps in.

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Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos

9 Ways Your Life Improves When You Teach Yoga Online

Have you ever wondered what life looks like when you teach yoga online? How does it feel to guide your students from your living room, connecting with them through a webcam instead of in person?

Though our perspective may be slightly biased, we’re convinced that teaching yoga online is the very best business model for yoga practitioners who want a career built on freedom and flexibility.

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Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos Online Business Strategy Jennifer Barcelos

The Truth about Teaching Yoga Online

What did you imagine life would look like once you became a yoga teacher?

Did you imagine quiet, calm-filled days in sweet, sunny studios? A daily sense of the centered and sacred? Physical (and emotional and professional) flexibility?

Reality check: Being a yoga teacher is an incredible journey, but it's not always a picturesque flow. From juggling unpredictable schedules to hustling across town for that one class, the life of a yoga instructor comes with its twists and turns. Yet, amidst this unvarnished truth, a silver lining emerges on the digital horizon – the realm of teaching yoga online within your very own business.

Let's dive into why taking your practice online might just be the answer you've been seeking.

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